Shibinlal Purushothaman

work in progress
Javascript ES6, handlebar, scss, bulma, AEM

The How Channel

1 month

Sapient corporation, A web portal for streaming videos , content creation, curation and UX, a new episode format – each under 10-minutes.Upgraded the video-player, included transcripts, download, end-play screen, share-to-social, related content, and subscribe to channel features.

Senior Associate

Reactjs , Graphql, Apollo server, Apollo client, Typescript

Goldman sachs Wellness

6 month

American multinational investment bank and financial services company A web application to manage user account details , give brief about the wellness of their accounts from a single window .

Senior Associate -User Interface and its functionality implementation. Reviewing the project status with teammates on regular basis

Reactjs, Typescript, Javascript ES6, Framework7

Goldman sachs Louisa

2 month

American multinational investment bank and financial services company. Louisa project is an internal employee helper tool named after Louisa Goldman Sachs. Louisa connects all .the Goldman sachs internal employees, keeps employee records. Tool has multiple search options based on different tags an employee adhered to.

Senior Associate

Reactjs, mobx, ES6, scss, AEM


10 month

MGM Resorts International is an American global hospitality and entertainment company.They have multiple resorts in different regions of US. This project involving booking of room, Casino, Show etc. The best part of this project is same code is sharing between all single/multiple resorts. In multi-resort calendar will show all property available calendar with one year availability ,Technologies involved in this site are HTML5, CSS3, React (Both CSR and SSR), Mobex, Nodejs, SASS, Node JS Express Js, AEM, Rest API.

Senior Associate

Angular 4.0, ES6, scss, SimaticIT, C#


1 yr 6 months

It is a web app created as a key interface to the MOM solution. This application basically built for digitalizing a manufacturing plant, with the help of siemens industry software tools. Siemens product which we used to develop web application in this project called simatic it which demands particular set of skills to create, integrate and deploy the application and also demands proper understanding of complete development stack and flow between multiple tools used in the MOM paradigm (Simatic IT is one of the tool).

Senior Associate

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